Categories: Awards488 words1.9 min read

Good VIBES for Lobster Pod at Awards


Errin Todd


February 1, 2016


Winners of the Best Micro Business Award at VIBES (Vision in Business for the Environment of Scotland)

The Lobster Pod team are proud winners of this environment award which demonstrates our commitment to sustainability.

The 2015 VIBES Awards final was held in Edinburgh in November.  Lobster Pod was a finalist in three categories – Best Environmental Product, Hydro Nation and Best Micro Business.  The awards are open to all businesses in Scotland who are doing something ‘green’ to improve or reduce their impact on the environment.  The finalists ranged from large companies such as national house builder Taylor Wimpey to SME’s like Bridge Biotechnology based in Dunfermline.  We applied after seeing our friend, Malcolm Wood and his company Peel Tech, win a VIBES award in 2014.

The VIBES Awards are a partnership between Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA), The Scottish Government, Energy Saving Trust, Highland & Islands Enterprise, Scottish Enterprise, Scottish Water, Zero Waste Scotland and the 20:20 Climate Group.

VIBES is further supported by CBI Scotland, the Institute of Directors (IoD), the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) and Bright Green Business.

Sponsors of the 2015 VIBES were: The European Marine Energy Centre (who sponsored our award – thank you!), Brand Rex, Lothian Buses, Pernod Ricard, Scottish Power and the Stirling University Management School.

We were delighted to win this award as we are committed to helping the shellfish fishery be as sustainable, efficient and profitable as possible.  The Lobster Pod system has been designed to create the optimum conditions for shellfish whether onboard a boat, in long term storage on land or during transportation.  The Pod vivier system has been scientifically proven to increase the survival of live shellfish to over 99% compared to the traditional vivier average of 85%.  The standard vivier uses 2 – 4 tonnes of water for every 1 tonne of shellfish whereas the Lobster Pod uses only 400 litres of water per tonne. The Pod is lighter too saving fuel and carbon emissions but uses the full height of the vehicle meaning an increased load (an extra £6K stock per HGV).  As the Pod is palletised it saves time in loading and makes it safer for operatives (no bad backs or lost fingers). Our new design of energy efficient filters uses gravity and centripetal force to improve the efficiency of the mechanical filter and requires a lower energy pump.   The Lobster Pod system for live shellfish will help save waste, power and water.  By helping our fishermen ensure the shellfish is in prime condition from catch to plate the fishery will be more sustainable, making the most of Scotland’s natural larder.

We are proud to win this award highlighting our vision to invent technology with a focus on improving the quality of seafood and helping to create more sustainable fisheries.   As Scottish winners we now have a chance to enter a European environmental award.  Send us your #BestFishes.

Join us in the #SeafoodRevolution,pod


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