Mermaid Seafood’s 2nd Anniversary with our Lobster Tank
We recently spoke to Malcolm at Mermaid Seafoods in Llandudno, Wales as his Lobster Tank is coming up to it’s 2nd anniversary.
This is the time to do an annual service and we try to make this as easy for possible for our customers by giving them a call and making sure we have all of the parts in stock. Â Although we make a range of shellfish systems each customer has a unique operation manual so we can easily check which model of pump or UV steriliser they have.
Malcolm has been storing Canadian lobsters over winter due to the scarcity if native UK lobsters.
Spring however sees the tentative start to the fishing season and the prices start to drop.  In winter, lobsters can achieve 2-3 times the Summer value. We gave him advice on making sure his system was clean and prepared.  See our blog on this for more tips
Malcolm was also asking about increasing his lobster capacity and we discussed options.
He currently has our very popular 250Kg capacity Lobster Tanks.  He has been delighted with these and Wayne who operates the system recently told us we’d saved his marriage as he is always home in time for dinner now due to the reliability and ease of operation of our system.  In a year they had less than 10 mortalities – not 10%, 10!  Turning over at least 250Kg of lobsters every week this shows how fantastic our systems are.  Due to space restrictions though Malcolm is considering our innovative Lobster Pod which gives the highest capacity of shellfish per square metre  of all our systems. The Lobster Pod has recently been called a five star lobster hotel by a client and we are very proud inventors.
If you would like to know more about our range or like to order your shellfish tanks in time for Summer
please get in touch soon as our production schedule is very busy with a lobster hatchery for Amble Developement Trust in Northumberland due for completion in time for Easter and six new orders for Lobster Tanks and Lobster Pods. Â It’s great to be busy but we don’t want to disappoint any potential clients.
Best Fishes,
Tel 01383 820685