Research Aquaria
Bespoke Design, Manufacture, Installation and Maintenance service for Research Aquaria.
Cambridge University awarded our team the contract to manufacture and commission their new research aquarium.
The four research aquarium cabinets are used to study amphioxus.  The cabinets have individually controllable LED lights, temperature and flushing cycles.  The system is computer controlled and can be interogated from anywhere in the world. We’d like to send the Cambridge research team our Best Fishes for their work.
We are the proud designers of the St Abbs Marine Station research aquaria.
The main research aquaria space features a unique seawater extraction system and flow through system making good use of the good quality raw seawater due to the harbour location on the North Sea.
The research tanks were built using our moulds and designs and feature chilling panels to enable finger tip temperature control. The tanks range from 2 foot square to a 100,000 litre mesocosm tank.
The mesocosm is the first of it’s kind in the UK and can create the same conditions as at sea or this can be changed for example to study the effects of noise, water chemistry changes or climate change on a larger scale than would be otherwise possible. We were fortunate to be involved from an early stage on this project and enjoyed being part of the design, project management and commissioning of the research aquaria which has now partnered with both Heriot Watt and Napier Universities.
Refit of Dove Marine Lab, Newcastle University
Under our former company Aqua Logistix Ltd we were responsible for the refit of the victorian Dove Marine Lab as part of their 100 year anniversary celebrations. The work included repair and fibreglass lining of existing research tanks and the new acrylic viewing panels in the large display aquaria.
The team at the Newcastle University were delighted with the quality of our work and professionalism.
For more information on Research Aquaria please contact Dr Keith Todd on Tel. No 01383 820685